John Ossipinsky's Lymphatic System Health Blog
Learn Life Changing Science of the Lymphatic System and Health
John Ossipinsky has been working with the lymphatic system for over 25 years, helping client’s with their pain and debility. He is an author, health coach and the developer of LymphPractic, a gentle whole body lymphatic system tuneup that benefits most health problems. John is on a mission to help everyone understand the importance of detoxing and maintaining their lymphatic system. Understanding the body’s sewage treatment system can help you overcome an illness, lower your risk of disease or have a vibrant, happy life with your memories intact. The lymphatic system helps maintain every system in the body, by improving this one system, you help all system’s of the body, even the brain.
Podcast 127 Help Autism by Balancing Cellular pH to Improve Detoxification
When you look at the many health issues associated with autism, cognitive, digestive and skin they are all problems beginning in the cell. You can help autism by improving cellular pH to improve detoxification. Every part of the body begins as a cell that groups together to form, tissues and organs. So when you want to help the cognitive, digestive, and skin problems you have to address the cellular environment to improve the health of the cells. Research has shown that when the brain cell the Astrocyte becomes acidic it can no longer clean itself and function properly. In my opinion, this same phenomenon is happening the digestive system and skin. The lymphatic system plays a large role in maintaining the cellular environment by completing circulation and improving detoxification in every system in the body, even the brain. By learning how to maintain the lymphatic system you can have more control over the symptoms of autism for improved quality of life.
Baby Aspirin A Day Does Not Help First Time Heart Attack
To help thin your blood and prevent heart attacks and strokes many people take a baby aspirin a day. Research has found that a baby aspirin a day does not help first time heart attack. One reason the blood is thickening is due to the buildup of cellular waste. Improve the lymphatic system to help reduce the buildup of cellular waste and inflammation to help thin your blood naturally. As we age many things contribute to thickening our blood which can cause a heart attack; dehydration, inactivity, taking multiple medications, chronic stress, or an acidic pH. You can help reduce your risk of having a first time heart attack by eating a healthier diet, taking a few basic supplements and manually activating your lymphatic system.
Podcast 126 Help Lipedema By Improving Cellular Health
Lipedema is a lymphatic disorder that mostly affects the legs and arms of women. You can help Lipedema by improving cellular health. In Lipedema the swollen legs and arms are seen as a problem of the lymphatic system when the swelling is a symptom of a larger problem of acidic cells. Research has shown that when a cell becomes acidic it can no longer clean itself. Everything in the body is made up of cells, even the lymphatic system. The problem of Lipedema may begin in constricted lymphatics in the neck and chest limiting circulation. To help Lipedema it is important to change cellular pH with diet, basic supplements, manual lymphatic drainage or self-lymphatic drainage.
Help Anxiety By Balancing pH
Anxiety has a lot to do with how toxic your body and brain have become. You can help anxiety by balancing pH, pH is the measure of hydrogen in a solution. More hydrogen in a solution the more acidic it will be. When the brain becomes acidic you feel more anxiety. When you balance pH with a more alkaline diet, supplements and activating the lymphatic system you help improve circulation and detoxification in the body and brain, improving how you feel.
Podcast 125 Help Foggy Thinking with Lymphatic System Detoxification
When you have periods of foggy thinking, you are more acidic and toxic. This acidity can limit the lymphatic system’s ability to detox fluid and cellular waste from the brain. You can help foggy thinking with lymphatic system detoxification. Often when I am going through lymphatic system detoxification I will have some foggy thinking as my body becomes at first, more acidic from released waste. There are many names for foggy thinking, brain fog, chemo brain, and fibro fog. There is a large lymph-brain connection that can be used to help foggy thinking. In 2015 lymphatic vessels were found in the brain. In 2017 researchers found that the major outflow of cerebrospinal fluid was through lymphatic vessels. Going through a gentle, lymphatic system detoxification can help reduce foggy thinking. Learn how to manually open your lymphatic system in this video with John Ossipnsky.
Tight Shoulders Due to Lymphatic System Congestion
If you have tight shoulders it is due to the buildup of acidic waste. Tight shoulders due to lymphatic system congestion. The major lymph vessels are on either side of the neck under the clavicle bones. When they become congested and cannot clean detoxification becomes impeded, allowing acidic cellular waste to build in the muscles your shoulders and neck, creating tightness and pain. Activating the lymphatic system with either a session with a lymphatic therapist or learning to activate your lymph with self-lymphatic drainage can help you gain more control over your tight shoulders.
Podcast 124 Fasting 16 Hours A Day Helps Improve The Lymphatic System
Fasting for 16 hours a day is a powerful way to lose weight or improve your health. Fasting 16 hours a day helps improve the lymphatic system, the body’s sewage treatment system, and overall health. When you don’t eat for 16 hours your body can metabolize and breakdown material in your body. Fasting can be made more healthful by including what I call Intermittent pH Balancing. Most people when they fast, go from not eating, right into eating mostly acid-forming foods. Over time this can lead to an acidic pH that can limit the lymphatic system’s ability to clean cellular waste and fats from your cellular environment. In intermittent pH balancing, you break your fast with alkaline foods; fruits and vegetables before eating more acid forming foods like wheat, meat or soy protein.
Children With Autism Found to Have More DDT
Some children with autism found to have more DDT in their systems. If you have a child on the autism spectrum you can help improve natural detoxification by detoxing and maintaining your child’s lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and nodes that help to clean the skin, muscles, bones, organs, blood vessels, nerves, and brain. When the lymphatic system is not working optimally cellular waste and resulting inflammation can build in the brain, digestive tissues, and skin. Manually improving the lymphatic system with LymphPractic, Lymph Drainage Therapy or Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy is a direct way to help reduce inflammation in the body and brain.
Podcast 123 PTSD Helped with Lymphatic System Detoxification
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can occur when you have experienced a traumatic event like warfare, sexual abuse, severe traffic accident, or other life-threatening situation. PTSD helped with lymphatic system detoxification. When you have a traumatic event, especially repeated traumatic events as in war, the body and brain can become overly acidic. This imbalance can limit lymph flow and detoxification of cellular waste from the body and brain. The buildup of cellular waste and resulting inflammation can interfere with how you feel mentally and physically. You can gain more control over how you feel and think by detoxing and maintaining your lymphatic system.
LymphPractic Is A Powerful Lymphatic System Detoxification
LymphPractic is bodywork that focuses on whole body gentle lymphatic system detoxification to help many health problems by helping to reduce cellular waste and inflammation. John Ossipinsky explains how LymphPractic is a powerful lymphatic system detoxification. By gently improving lymph flow, circulation, and natural detoxification you can help change your health and life. Everyone has a lymphatic system, the body’s sewage treatment system. When you learn how to detox and maintain your lymphatic system you gain more control over your health and life.
Multiple Sclerosis Helped By Improving The Lymph-Brain Connection
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease. Multiple sclerosis helped by improving the lymph-brain connection. In 2015 lymphatic vessels were found in the brain. In 2017 the major outflow of cerebrospinal fluid was found to be through lymphatic vessels. If you want to help MS and other diseases of the brain you must understand how to improve the lymphatic system, especially the lymph-brain connection.
Podcast 121 Help Heal Acne by Improving Lymph Flow
Your superficial lymphatic system is right under your skin, it plays a large role in teen and adult acne. You can help heal acne by improving lymph flow through the neck and face. When the lymphatic system becomes congested your skin becomes filled with acidic cellular waste and inflammation. We can visibly see this inflammation as the eruptions often seen in teen or adult acne. Receiving LymphPractic sessions or learning how to manually activate your lymph flow with self-lymphatic drainage can help to improve circulation and natural detoxification of acidic cellular waste to help heal acne.
Podcast 120 Hydrocephalus Helped By Improving The Lymph-Brain Connection
Hydrocephalus is where cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) builds in the lateral ventricles putting pressure on the brain. Hydrocephalus can be helped by improving the lymph-brain connection to improve the reabsorption of CSF from the brain into lymphatic vessels. In 2015 lymphatic vessels were found in the brain, that is a direct connection that can be used to help maintain the brain, in 2017 the major outflow of cerebrospinal fluid was found to be to lymphatic vessels. That means the brains health is dependent on a healthy and flowing lymphatic system. Learn steps to maintaining the lymphatic system to help hydrocephalus in infants and adults.
Help Postpartum Depression By Improving Lymphatic System
After giving birth some mothers will have postpartum depression. You can help postpartum depression by improving the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system helps to maintain the body and brain and can become overwhelmed during a pregnancy. When the lymphatic system becomes overwhelmed cellular waste and inflammation can build in the body and brain affecting how you feel and think. Improving the lymphatic system can help how you feel by reducing cellular waste and inflammation. You can improve the lymphatic system with a healthier diet, being hydrated, basic supplements and receiving a series of gentle lymphatic sessions.
Improving Lymphatic System Helps Many Issues With Autism
Improving lymphatic system helps many issues with autism. John Ossipinsky explains how many issues with autism can be helped by improving the lymphatic system, the body’s sewage treatment system. The lymphatic system maintains every system in the body, even the brain. There is an important lymph-brain connection that can help those with autism have a better quality of life. In 2015 lymphatic vessels were found in the brain. That is a direct lymph-brain connection that can be used to help the brain. By improving this one system, you can help cognition, digestive issues like abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea and skin issues like eczema that are associated with autism.
The Lymphatic System Maintains The Brain
The lymphatic system plays a large role in maintaining the brain. In 2015 lymphatic vessels were found in the brain. That is a direct lymph-brain connection that can be used to help the brain and how you think and feel. In 2017 the major outflow of cerebrospinal fluid was found to be through lymphatic vessels. When the lymphatic system is sluggish, detoxification is slowed and the body or brain can build with fluid and acidic cellular waste. This buildup of waste can negatively affect the brain cells and how you feel mentally. Improving the lymphatic system helps circulation and natural detoxification of cellular waste in the body and brain.
Podcast 118 Help ADHD with Lymphatic System Detoxification
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects how those diagnosed with the disease behave. You can help ADHD with lymphatic system detoxification. Those with ADHD have difficulty paying attention and sitting still. They often have no regards to the consequences of their behavior. In ADHD the lymphatic system has become compromised. There is a large lymph-brain connection that must be understood to help those with ADHD. In 2015 researchers found lymphatic vessels in the brain. That is a direct connection that can be used to help the ADHD and the brain. In 2017 researchers found that the major outflow of cerebrospinal fluid was into lymphatic vessels. That means your brain is dependent on a well functioning lymphatic system. By improving the lymphatic system with diet, supplements and manually improving the lymphatic system you can help improve circulation and detoxification in the brain.
Podcast 117 Help Heal TBI With Lympatic System Detoxification
When you have had a traumatic brain injury (TBI) it is important to understand how the lymphatic system helps maintain the brain. You can help heal TBI with lymphatic system detoxification. There is a lymph-brain connection that is important to understand to help heal TBI’s. In 2015 lymphatic vessels were found in the brain. That is a direct lymph-brain connection that you can use to help the brain. In 2017 the major outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, the fluid that maintains your brain is into lymphatic vessels. When you have trauma to your head, the lymphatic system can become compromised. Fibrin and parts of cells from the healing process can build in the brain limiting circulation and the healing process. Learn to help the lymphatic system using diet, supplements and manually improving the lymphatic system to help circulation and natural detoxification to improve the healing of TBI’s.
Podcast 116 Help Lymphedema With Lymphatic System Detoxification
When lymph nodes are removed in cancer surgery or damaged in trauma, the limb or area can swell many times the normal size. You can help Lymphedema with lymphatic system detoxification. Lymphedema can occur any time after surgery from the day after to 30 years later. It all depends on when the lymphatic system becomes overwhelmed with cellular waste. If you have mild to moderate swelling after surgery you will see a big difference in your edema by learning how to use diet, supplements, and Self-Lymphatic Drainage to help better control your edema. Without maintenance, Lymphedema will progress and worsen over time.
Help Most Health Problems With Lymphatic System Detoxification
The lymphatic system is the body’s sewage treatment system. You can help most health problems with lymphatic system detoxification. The lymphatic system helps to clean the body and brain of cellular waste and moves around immune cells. The lymphatic system cleans your skin, muscles, bones, organs, blood vessels, nerves, and brain. By detoxing and maintaining this ONE system you can help most health problems from chronic pain, anxiety, depression. insomnia, digestive issues, weight gain, swelling, PTSD, foggy thinking, ADHD, Asperger’s, autism, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Healing LymphPractic Sessions in Scottsdale, AZ
John Ossipinsky can help you in two ways. See him for work he developed to combat cellular waste and inflammation called LymphPractic in Scottsdale, Arizona. In just a few sessions of LymphPractic, you will feel better from improved lymph flow, blood circulation and natural detoxification of cellular waste and inflammation. You will also feel deeply relaxed in your body and mind. You can also take his life-changing on-demand virtual course.
Detox Your Lymphatic System – Boost Your Brain, Weight Loss, and Life, 7 Lessons, 30 Easy Activities
John Ossipinsky has over 25 years working with the lymphatic system. He will be your coach to help you learn to have more control over your health with the emerging science of the lymphatic system. Learn step by step to detox and maintain your lymphatic system with diet, supplements and the Ossipinsky Method of Self-Lymphatic Drainage. The Ossipinsky Method of Self-Lymphatic Drainage is similar to dry brushing but much more powerful in its ability to improve lymph flow and health. You should detox and maintain your lymphatic system to help overcome an illness, help prevent disease or to have a vibrant life and age with your memories intact.
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