Improving The Lymphatic System, Health and VitalityLymphPractic® was developed by John Ossipinsky who has spent over two decades studying and working with the lymphatic system to help clients with chronic pain, stress, swelling, immune problems, ADD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asperger’s and traumatic brain injuries. LymphPractic uses gentle soft tissue therapy to improve cellular health by improving whole body lymph flow to improve the “Natural Detoxification” of acid cellular waste from the body and brain.
In a LymphPractic session you will feel deeply relaxed in your body and mind in just a few minutes, You will float in and out of a euphoric state as circulation is improved, as restrictions are released and your body and mind relax. The night of your first session you will sleep better than you have in a while. If you are dehydrated or extremely toxic, you may feel a detox reaction of a headache, digestive discomfort or fatigue. In just a few sessions you will start feeling less pain, stress, and have energy again. Many clients tell us how their body feels lighter and more alive after a LymphPractic session.
Contact Us for a Free Phone Consultation to See if LymphPractic Can Help Your Specific Health Concerns
What is LymphPractic?
LymphPractic was developed to increase whole body lymph flow and blood circulation to specifically help improve the “Natural Detoxification” of acidic cellular waste from the tissues, skin, muscles, bones, organs, nerves, spinal cord and brain. LymphPractic gently opens the micro-circulation to improve the environment around and in your cells. We live and die at the cellular level, when your cells are healthy, you are healthy.
The most important step in regaining your health is removing acidic cellular waste, excess proteins (parts of damaged cells), fibrin, lipids (cholesterol), hormones, other debris and toxins on a regular basis. LymphPractic is a simple, efficient way to help rid the body of damaging acid wastes and toxins.
LymphPractic – Cutting Edge
LymphPractic is based on cutting edge science of the Lymphatic, Craniosacral, Visceral (organ), and Fascial Systems of the body. By combining the knowledge of these systems into a specific soft tissue therapy to increase whole body lymph flow and blood circulation, LymphPractic becomes extremely powerful in its ability to improve circulation, “Natural Detoxification” and overall health.
Who Needs LymphPractic?
Everyone has a lymphatic system, so everyone needs a LymphPractic tune-up to maintain their Lymphatic System and health. By activating and enhancing your lymphatic system you help to improve EVERY system in the body. If something isn’t maintained, it will eventually breakdown.
Help keep your body from breaking down with a LymphPractic session today, for improved health tomorrow. If you are ready for vibrant health, take that first step and Contact Us to see how a well functioning lymphatic system can dramatically improve your health.
Benefits of LymphPractic
Since the lymphatic system is connected to every system in the body, most health problems and injuries benefit from activating the lymphatic system. Some of the benefits a client will feel are a very, deep relaxation in body and mind, feel lighter, pain relief, more energy, better sleep, reduction in swelling, healthier skin and easier breathing. Contact Us for a Free Consultation to find out if LymphPractic can help your specific health concerns or to make an appointment for a LymphPractic session.
Mapping Lymphatic System
In your session the therapist will map your lymphatic system. Using their hands they will follow the lymph flow in the superficial and deep lymphatic system. This information will be used to open congested areas to improve lymph flow and circulation to help your specific problem.
Cancer & Lymphatic System Detox
An important goal in cancer care is removing, or detoxing, the acidic cellular waste created by cellular damage from chemotherapy and radiation. Even Naturopathic or Homeopathic therapies can create excess cellular waste that may limit healing. Improved lymph flow equals improved immune function and healing.
Lymph – Brain Connection
If you want to improve the function of your brain you must improve the lymphatic system. In June of 2015 Researchers at the University of Virginia found lymph vessels in the brain. Improving lymph flow can help improve brain function.
Treating Infants and Children
Help your child start their life with a healthy lymphatic system. Just a few sessions may help open areas that are congested in order to reduce the risk of colic, earaches, hydrocephalus, sore throats, hyperactivity, sleep disturbances, breathing problems, allergies, as well as attention and digestive issues. Schedule a LymphPractic session between vaccinations to reduce the buildup of acid waste from repeated inflammation caused by vaccines. This simple step of improving detoxification in your child between vaccinations or rounds of antibiotics may lower their risk of autism.
Lymphatic System & Weight
In 2005 two-studies linked fat and obesity to damaged lymphatic vessels. In my book, An Undetected Acid-Alkaline imbalance I explain how an acidic pH can constrict the lymphatic vessels allowing your own cellular waste and cholesterol to build in your body, forming fat. A series of LymphPractic sessions can help stimulate healthy and sustained weight loss.
Pre & Post Surgery
A few weeks prior to surgery have a series of LymphPractic sessions to prepare your body. Go into surgery with improved circulation, and a cleaner, more balanced and better functioning body and immune system. A few days after surgery have a very light LymphPractic session to relax the body and open circulation to reduce inflammation, pain, swelling and infection. A week later have another session to assist the healing process.
Pre & Post Natal
When you are thinking of having a baby, or are pregnant, you need to prepare your body with LymphPractic. A baby forms from a single cell. In order to survive, that cell and future baby needs a healthy, balanced environment. Mom should prepare for the baby’s birth by balancing her pH and having a few LymphPractic sessions to improve Mom and the baby’s cellular environment. Keeping up with your LymphPractic sessions after delivery can help to alleviate Postpartum Depression, mastitis, and weight gain.
Contact Us for a Free Phone Consultation to See if LymphPractic Can Help Your Specific Health Concerns or to Schedule a LymphPractic Session.
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