A Revelation / An Acidic pH Sours Breast Milk
When I first found out about an acidic pH, I had this revelation that allowed me to see how a toxic acidosis is affecting infants. I had stopped by to see my daughter’s first dance class when she was four years old. In the waiting room, there was a mother with her eight-month-old daughter. In our conversation, she mentioned that her baby is vomiting often, had stomach pains and was on two acid medications. This is an ten-month-old child.Before I mentioned anything about pH, the mother told me that her breast milk at times would taste sour or bad.
At that moment, I realized how this undetected tissue acidosis was affecting newborns. When the mom tested her saliva pH she was severely acidic at 5.1, her acidic body was souring the breast milk and making the baby acidic and sick. This is one missed reason for the prevalence of colic and acid problems affecting so many newborns. If your infant has colic and you are breast feeding check your saliva and urine pH.
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my daughter is one month old and since thirteen days she is having diarrhea … She passes a little stool each time with a gas… The Dr at first thought it’s viral… And it would go on its own as her stool test was normal… Can it because of my breast milk as I had always had gastric trouble in the last trimester and also it was more a week ago and I stopped dairy to correct it but still at times I have continuous gas trouble… Is my milk the culprit for my daughters condition
my daughter is one month old and since thirteen days she is having diarrhea … She passes a little stool each time with a gas… The Dr at first thought it’s viral… And it would go on its own as her stool test was normal… Can it because of my breast milk as I had always had gastric trouble in the last trimester and also it was more a week ago and I stopped dairy to correct it but still at times I have continuous gas trouble… Is my milk the culprit for my daughters condition